// January, 2018
The just closed 2017 has been for IWT an year full of satisfactions where numbers are simply stunning, they are reporting the best year ever with a healthy double-digit increase on the general turnover. All good, all great, time for cheers and celebrations but also time to look ahead, squint, grab the steering wheel and push hard at full throttle…

Here at IWT we never hold back any challenge, we face chest the future always with a positive attitude aware that individual dedication and attention applied in every activities is leading to results, results where the customer satisfaction is the “end that justify any means”.
In order to continue to support growth and to grant state of the art services IWT decided to invest in an expansion plan started with the acquisition of a large plot of land adjacent to the current headquarter.

The master plan, 7 million Euro investment, is including over 5000m² (6000yd²) of new buildings:
- New offices and convention center: this is meant to become the customer services hub, centralizing the activities associated to Sales and marketing, Project Management, Service, Customer Care and administration. It will also include over 500m² of new showrooms and a convention center capable to host events with over 100 attendees
- New cafeteria: it is designed to reach A4 class energy label and it includes a full kitchen where daily complementary lunches will be prepared for all employees and visitors. Everybody knows how important the aggregation moments around the dining tables are for Italians!
- New production areas and operational offices: 2500m² (3000 yd²) divided in two main buildings and one central office area. Space is never enough, it is crucial to expand production lines and lean islands, everything to guarantee ever-faster delivery times against the constant increase in demand.
The new production area will be part of a phase two planned in 3-5 years time, meanwhile the relocation of the offices and showrooms will free almost 1000m² (1200yd²), those will be immediately reuse to:
- Enlarge the assembly and full commissioning area for internal validations and qualifications. The high peak of orders for our latest generation of washers deserves extra infrastructures to ensure quality on top of fast delivery times.
- Review the flow of the internal metal workshop and GMP washers assembly lines in order to streamline processes with great benefits for the full material traceability. Further investments in new laser cutter, orbital welders and polishing machines are meant to achieve state of the art operations where attention and details are mandatory to cope with the strict industry requirements and standards.
- Reorganize the R&D area so to allow even larger scale testing, here is where the “magic” is happening and where the innovation has its roots.
- Introduce a multi-purpose space, in the former cafeteria, with services meant to foster the health and pace-of-mind of our employees. In the Tecniplast group we strongly believe that a genuine working environment is synonymous with productivity, efficiency and punctuality.
The project is absolutely on a fast track and the ribbon cutting ceremony is booked for November 2018!
Here at IWT we are always pleased to host all of you to witness our operations and to experience the passion and thrill typical of our working days!
Hope to see you soon in our brand new shiny showroom!