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GMP Cleaning, Isolation and Decontamination Systems for the Pharmaceutical Industries.

250 EVO - cGMP Compact Part Washer

  • Engineered to clean product contact parts from solid, semi-solid, liquid and aseptic manufacturing sites, from tableting machines to sterile filling lines.
  • Modular design in compliance with the pharmaceutical standards to allow quick turnaround projects.
  • Compact solution to simplify installations in existing productions minimizing any impact on current operational flows.
  • Multiple configurations available such as electrical or steam heating, single or double door
  • Two different sizes: 1000, 1400 liters (265, 370 gal) to maximize and optimize cleaning batches.
  • Cutting edge automation system GAMP5 compliant with ERES (21CFR Part11) and AUDIT TRAIL functions to guarantee full data traceability and storage.
  • Full in-house design and manufacturing of customized racks connected via automatic quick-lock patented system.
  • Double Bioseal installation.
  • Process solution and water inlets sampling point. Automatic sampling box.
  • Premium finishing package (Ra ≤ 0.4 μm and SF4 ASME-BPE) available as option.



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